Monday, June 27, 2011

Preschool Exhibition 2011 - Infinity Gymnastics

Abby has been going to gymnastics since she was 18 months old.  A few weeks ago, she participated in her first
"Infinity Gymnastics Preschool Exhibition".

I didn't really know what to expect... she's only 3.  But, I've watched her week after week and I know how much she loves to do gymnastics.  And I was proud of my little Goose!  She waited her turn, she listened to her coach and did what the coach said without someone showing her what to do first.  To non-parents... this probably isn't a big deal.  But, to anyone who has a 3 year old, I imagine you understand how proud I felt watching her among the other children.

Here she is getting ready for the big show in her new leotard.

Abby on the Beam
(the audio is almost as good as the performance ;-))

 Abby's floor routine 
(sorry about the terrible video, we are just figuring out this parent thing...)

Abby on the Vault

Abby on the Bars

She earned a medal and a certificate for participating.
This is my favorite picture of the day (she's all the way to the right).

Abby had her own cheering section.  
Grandma and Grandpa Ascencio were front row.
Sophie and Brenden came, too! 
(Magnus and George had enough at this point...)

Of course, Aunt Katie was her best fan!

Because it was Abby's special day, she got behind the camera to catch a few memories of her own... I'm not sure she's going to take after her Uncle Pat when it comes to taking photos, but you can be the judge...

As a parent, I feel very content that my daughter is healthy, learning and loved.
What more can I ask for?
I'm just looking forward to see what's next!

A proud, happy family,
~The Ascencio's~

Missing Baby

Last night after both kids were in bed George started to cry. I looked at his monitor and didn't see him in his crib, so I figured Daddy had gone in and got him because he had stopped crying. A little later Abby was out of bed and Daddy came in from the garage to see what was wrong. That's when I realized he wasn't with George. So I went into his room to find an empty crib. My heart sank. He wasn't anywhere in his room... And then I saw the closet door open. This is what I saw:

He knocked over the diaper genie and snuggled up by the wipes!
I would love to know what was going through his mind.

~ The Ascencio's ~

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Howell Balloonfest 2011

Our family of four went to the Howell Balloonfest on Friday. Abby experienced her first carnival and Grandma and Grandpa joined us for the fireworks.

The weather was very chilly so there weren't many lines for the rides. Abby had a wonderful time!

Here is Abby (with mom) at the top of the ferris wheel.

We started slow and took a train ride "all by myself!"

Daddy likes his Jeeps black, Abby chose purple.

You have to ride the carousel, right?

Abby rode the kiddie alligator roller coaster and loved it! She laughed out loud and rode again and again!

But, her most favorite thing of the night was the fun house. She went through it atleast 30 times, which made the wristband worth the money. It also made her sleep until 10:30 the next morning:)

There was a different funhouse with trick mirrors. She walked face first into one of them and cried REALLY loud. And then asked to do it again... Silly girl!

Until next post,
~ The Ascencio's~

Monday, June 13, 2011

Sick Baby George

Being responsible for another person is a big responsibility.  Especially when that person can't communicate with you when they are sick.

A few weeks ago, George woke up from his nap lethargic and with a fever.  We gave him the usual meds and his fever didn't go down.  The following morning he still had the fever and was shaky.  A few weeks before this we had been to the doctor and found out he had some fluid in one of his ears, so I was concerned he had developed an ear infection.  So, after a call to the doctor, we went in and find out his ears were clear.  
No ear infections!
Abby came along to make sure her Georgie was okay.  She pretended she was the doctor while we were waiting for the real one.

Since they couldn't find a reason for his fever, they pricked his finger to do a blood test. 
Anyway, I was getting ready to go home when the doctor said they wanted me to go to the ER for more tests because he had a high white blood cell count.  Really?  That was unexpected to say the least. 

I felt a little silly... going to the ER for a fever that was only a day old.  But, the doctor was concerned from the blood count and that he was shaky in the morning and didn't want to send him home.  So, I figured I could go home and worry myself sick or go to the ER and make sure everything was fine. 

They immediately put an IV in him and then he passed out from crying :(

The doctors office gave him a double dose of motrin and his fever was finally down.  The ER gave him fluids through the IV, took a chest X-ray, started blood cultures, checked his urine (which ended up all over my leg...ewww!) and gave him antibiotics through the IV.  Thankfully, all the tests came back fine.  And, he was started to feel better!

As I was sitting in the ER holding my sleeping sick baby, I got to thinking... Anyone I knew who has been really sick (cancer, diabetes, etc...) had been in the situation I was in... Doctor's running tests and you waiting for the results.  My mind couldn't help but wonder what I would do if the doctor's came back and told me they had found something on one of the tests.  I know more than one person who has received that news about their child.  Very early in my pregnancy with George there were problems.  They went away and George was born a very healthy baby, but maybe they missed something?  

Am I being dramatic?  Yes.  Or maybe I'm just being a mother.
Either way, I was a lucky parent that day because all the tests came back fine and George is a healthy boy.  However, a few days later I tested positive for strep.  And, Abby came down with Pink Eye and probably strep.  All treatable :)

In a weeks time, we went to the doctor 6 times, plus the ER.  We had 4 prescriptions.  Missed 1 day of work.  And easily used a tank of gas.  Thankfully, we have good health insurance.  I hate to think about the decisions I would have had to make if we didn't?  I don't think any parent should have to make those decisions. I hope someday the parent's who do... won't. 

You may say that I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one 
Healthy and optimistic in Brighton,
~The Ascencio's~