Wednesday, April 20, 2011

We are all sick here. How are you?

The stomach flu found us.
First Abby.
Then George.
Here's hoping that it doesn't find Mom and Dad.
A grown man with the stomach flu?  I don't think I have it in me for that one ;-)
Now we all have colds.
1 house, 4 babies.

Easter celebration's begin tomorrow at preschool.  I believe the Easter Bunny himself will be attending this very special Easter party, so we have been resting up to be well enough to attend.  

Speaking of the Easter Bunny, he asked me to store some items for Abby and George's Easter baskets this year... and a very curious little girl found them (while Dad was supposed to be watching her).  If you ask me, a child really should arrive with a handbook.  These 'situations' could be avoided if there was a protocol to follow. 

Well, we attended Palm Sunday service.  If I'd known the stomach flu would appear first thing Monday morning I would have kept the kids home.  I hope we didn't unknowingly share our bug with people at church.  I dressed Abby in her Easter dress from last year... If I'd known she'd look so cute I would have made it her Easter dress for two years in a row!

And, George is just my little cutie... baby boys are the best!

Here are George's cute baby curls... will he outgrow them?  
I can't wait to find out.

I think we are on the mend.
We hope everyone else is healthy,
~ The Ascencio's ~

Friday, April 8, 2011

Spring, where are you?


We are still here.  
Doing our thing... 

Hot dogs, chicken nuggets, hot dogs, chicken nuggets, hot dogs... we are in a rut.  
We need a change... I'm thinking anything grilled and watermelon!!

I used to pride myself with creativity in the kitchen.  Now I feel accomplished when I make dinner and clean it up ALL in the same evening!  I sound pathetic... but I also play with the kids, do baths, bed routine, grocery shop, etc...  Still sounds pathetic.  Oh well, tomorrow will still come.  Unfortunately, the dishes will still be there. 

Here in Michigan we've had a taste of Spring.  
And we want more!

We've heard how the weather is great in Illinois, Nebraska and, of course, Florida.
We are officially jealous.  George screams when we get home and go inside.  He looks out the front window all the time.  I can just imagine what is going through his mind. Poor little guy.  Abby has a bike she is trying to figure out how to ride.  We took her out yesterday to practice and George was having a great time just being outside.  But, when we came back inside the entire neighborhood heard him express his frustration. 

So, for now we are staying inside.  Getting ready for spring to reach us... 

Happy almost Spring everyone,
~The Ascencio's~